Wunderbare erste Rezension in HRAudio über PLANET EARTH - As Within So Without
“Lisa Maria may not be part of the ‘handful’ of the international podia, she certainly is ‘notable’ in her own world, stretching from Würzburg in Germany, to Quarten, in the Eastern part of Switzerland. (..) she has delved up some hardly or unknown jewels of varying substance by female (what else?) composers like Faustine Hasse Hodges ‘Lake Shore Dream’ (in the water section) Amy Beach ’From Grandmothers Garden’, Martha von Castelberg’s Piano Sonata (both in the earth section), and Sophie Gräfin Wolf Baudissin ‘Traumereien’ (in the air section). All of them beautifully interpreted. (..) Going back to the beginning, I wondered if belonging to the ‘handful’ makes one as happy and spirited as Schachtschneider apparently is with the life she leads. Ambition has multiple facets. I think that Lisa Maria found hers’…… Maybe that ‘some’ labels and Concert Hall managers should look at things differently, broadening their scope as well.”
Ich möchte mich von Herzen bei Adrian Quanjer für diese sehr einfühlsamen und anerkennenden Worte bedanken, in denen ich mich wirklich gesehen und wertgeschätzt fühle: Ja, ich habe meinen sehr eigenen und persönlichen Weg in dieser manchmal so verrückten (Musik)welt gefunden, der mich sehr glücklich macht. Dankeschön!